Sunday, January 08, 2006

Wet Dream - Western Digital D1500AFHD RaptorX

In this week's CES in Las Vegas, WD presented its latest offering to tech enthusiasts. The Western Digital D1500AFHD or simply the RaptorX gaming hard disk features a clear viewing window for the platter and the head.

The material is made from a special grade of crystalline polycarbonate developed by WD labs for 2 years. Aside from this innovation, the RaptorX also has a rotation speed of 10,000rpm - something previously only present on SCSI hard drives.

The capacity of 150Gb is a bit on the low side though, but if you need performance and beauty at any price, this baby is the right one for you.

Don't be fooled though, you can only see a portion of the insides of the hard disk through the small window. The rest of it is covered with black-ish material, but cool none the less.

Mod enthusiasts, amittedly myself included, have been trying achieve the same, but often with disastrous results. The RaptorX may not be perfect, but it sure is a step in the right direction. Get yours now for only $349.99.


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